Welcome to the home of RÄGE SFC2

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         designer at the link below, or leave a post

         on our message board and it should be fixed

         within a week. So feel free to surf our site.



RÄGE is a GamerZ/Gaterunner ladder/campain, and a Internet Gamers Club campain fleet. We are laid back and not a “serious” fleet (no offence to the more serious fleets out there).  RÄGE was founded on the pricipals of having fun and enjoying the game. Remember were not here to win but to have fun and learn from out mistakes, so if ya like what you see click on the joining button and sign up today for the Starfleet Command 2 Empires At War / Orion Pirates Division of the Rouge Ärrow Galactic Empire.



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Website design by CBV Web Desingers

Site Grahpics provided by Ken’s 3D World